Designed for restoration, repair, and antiwear protection of power steering and other hydraulic equipment. During the treatment of hydraulic system assemblies, a protective ceramic-metal coating is formed on the surfaces of the parts of pumping, actuating, and distribution devices (spool valves). As a result, the operational characteristics of hydraulic equipment are restored.
- Eliminates pump howling caused by wear
- Reduces steering effort
- Improves the power steering performance already within 50–100 km after the application
- Reduces noise and vibration of the hydraulic pump
- Protects parts from wear by low oil levels
- Dissolve* the required amount of the product in 30–50 ml of used hydraulic fluid warmed up to at least +35 °С.
- Introduce the resulting mixture into the fluid inside the power steering reservoir, which has been warmed up to the operating temperature.
- 2–3 minutes later, rotate the steering wheel for 5 minutes with the engine turned on.
Before using the composition, REPLACE the fluid in the power steering and drive at least 200 km:
– If the fluid is contaminated (cloudy, changed its original color, etc.);
– If the fluid has been used for over 40,000 km of run (over 3 years) or its service life is unknown.
A typical sign of beginning of the REVITALIZATION® process is improvement in operation of the steering mechanism (reduction of noise and steering effort, improved performance) starting from the first kilometers of run after the treatment.