XADO Atomic metal conditioner МОТО MAXIMUM with 1 Stage Revitalizant is an innovative 3-component product specially formulated for use in small four stroke petrol and diesel Motorcycle engines with an oil capacity of up to 1.5 L. It can be used in motorbikes, scooters, mopeds, quads, motor cultivators, compact utility tractor engines and other small engines.
Main Benefits
- improves pneumatic density and increases compression in the engine cylinders;
- increases engine power and improves acceleration capability;
- extends the remaining service life of the engine;
- reduces fuel and oil consumption through burning;
- restores oil pressure in the lubrication system up to the nominal values;
- reduces exhaust toxicity;
- decreases temperature and unit loads by friction of mating parts.
- Warm up the engine to the operating temperature.
- Turn off the engine.
- Warm up the bottle with the product in any safe way up to +25…+45 °С.
- Remove the oil filler plug.
- Thoroughly shake the bottle and introduce its contents into the lubrication system. After the introduction, check the oil level: it should not exceed the maximum mark of the dipstick.
- If there are any granules left in the bottle, pour some motor oil inside, shake it and then introduce the oil into the lubrication system.
- Reinstall the oil filler plug.
- Start the engine.
- Let the engine idle for 5–8 minutes.
- Operate the engine in regular mode without overloads.
- The full treatment cycle is completed within 800–1,000 km of run or 20–25 hours of total operation of the engine.
- One 90 ml bottle is enough for full treatment of the engine with the oil bath volume of up to 1.5 L.
- Engines with the oil bath volume of up to 0.5 L are treated with the product in two stages: first, half of the bottle contents is introduced, then, after 4–5 hours of total operation, the rest of the product is introduced into the warmed up engine in the same way.
- It is optimal to conduct treatment after a scheduled change of motor oil or when the engine ran on fresh oil for a short period.
- The repeated preventive treatment of the engine is recommended after 16,000–20,000 km of run or 400–500 hours of total operation.
- Granules of the composition completely dissolve in the warmed up motor oil within 1–2 minutes.
- The product works only in metal-to-metal friction pairs.